James Wild MP welcomes new powers to protect UK from malicious investment & strengthen economic resilience 11th November 2020 The new National Security and Investment Bill will modernise government's powers to investigate and intervene in potentially hostile foreign direct investment... Westminster News
Furlough scheme extended until March and self-employed support increased 5th November 2020 Workers across the UK will benefit from increased support with a five-month extension of the furlough scheme into Spring 2021, the Chancellor announced today, 5... Westminster News
Supporting the Poppy Appeal and the Armed Forces 5th November 2020 Due to Covid-19 restrictions, many volunteers have been unable to help with this year's Poppy Appeal and - like so many things - the Royal British Legion has... Westminster News
Coronavirus National Restrictions - Statement 4th November 2020 As the House of Commons debates and votes on the Coronavirus restrictions for England, James said: “Over the last few days I’ve had an intensive series of... Westminster News
James Wild MP welcomes stronger voice for farmers in Agriculture Bill 3rd November 2020 The government have announced plans to extend the Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC) and place it on a full statutory footing, giving farmers a stronger... Westminster News
James Wild MP calls for further support for hospices 3rd November 2020 URGENT SUPPORT NEEDED FOR HOSPICE SECTOR In Parliament today, James raised concerns on behalf of Norfolk Hospice of the impact on its finances of national... Westminster News
James Wild MP statement on proposed Covid national restrictions 2nd November 2020 Commenting on the proposed National Restrictions, James said: "I supported the introduction of the Local Covid Alert Tiered system as the best alternative to a... Westminster News
PM proposes new national restrictions to combat Covid-19 1st November 2020 Over the weekend, the Prime Minister announced his intention to bring in tougher national restrictions from Thursday 5th November. These measures will be... Westminster News
Longer sentences for animal cruelty a step closer 23rd October 2020 Today legislation that will introduce tougher prison sentences for those who cruelly mistreat animals moved a step closer. The Bill introduced by James'... Westminster News